The final installment in our Fine Arts Series for 2020 is a student art gallery. Students who have created art either in Vincent van Gogh's style or simply honoring Vincent van Gogh may bring their art to put on display. Art may be pieces created at one or more of our workshops in the Fine Arts Series or may be something different the student created at home. Each evening students may bring their parents, grandparents and friends to see their work.
Light refreshments will be served. The Student Art Gallery will be open over three evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 to allow for more people to attend. Drop off art work at the following dates/times: Wednesday, June 2 ~ 9am to 1pm Thursday, June 3 ~ 9am to 1pm or 3pm to 5pm If you attended the workshop where we painted the Starry Night on the Tshirts, you are encouraged to wear your shirt. Be sure all art work is labeled so we are sure to return it to the correct person. Please email [email protected] if you will be participating and how you will be participating - artist or aesthete*. *Aesthete (es-theet) - An aesthete is someone who loves and appreciates works of art and beautiful things
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