Chemistry Boot Camp
A two week class (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) to prepare high school students for any chemistry course they are about to take, high school or college. This week will be full of hands on activities and labs and will cover the basics of various topics in chemistry, including: structure of atoms, gas laws, chemical reactions and predictions, stoichiometry and the mole, balancing equations, kinetic energy and states of matter, periodic trends, and interpretation of data. ACT science preparatory. 8th-12th grade. Two week course (MWF).
Class Dates: June 10, 12,14, 17, 19,21
$125 per student, $100 each additional sibling.
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About the teacher: Kayla Marcum has a bachelors in Animal Science (an applied biochemistry degree) and a concentration in business. She currently teaches high school chemistry and physical scienceat Tattnall Square Academy in Macon, GA.